Artist Statement

SONY DSCI believe that I follow the tradition of past genre painters by depicting the world I see every day. The mundane becomes the awe-inspiring. My subjects are drawn from my dual passions – architectural built forms and natural settings. I am educated as an architect born and raised in Texas, so I work with what I know, the design of buildings and the landscape.

I transform New York City life into conceptually rich images. Having lived and worked in New York City for over 25 years, I have an intimate knowledge of my subjects. I combine my architectural and painterly skills to the chaotic urban fabric, developing an orderly foundation that is energized with color. My New York paintings offer “a cherished look into my wonderful world,” which is the West Village. The paintings capture the vibrancy of the neighborhood in vivid colors and illustrate the architectural details of the buildings, the character of the street and the human interactions that I observe daily.

I am now expanding my work in oils to include watercolor, charcoal and collage.

View my art portfolio: